Sunday, May 17, 2009

Grandma Bunny

okay, this is logan. I'm using my mom's account becuase I can't seem to become a contributor to bunny's friends. Having to deal with my grandma's slow demise is one of the worst experiences I have been through. having to see her lie in her hospital bed slowly starving is traumatic and most of all, very sad. once I lose her, I don't know what I'll do. I still am not used to the absence of her songs or whistling around the house, one of the things I will miss about her the most. I only hope she can move on to a better place, and not have to suffer. I just hope she can see that tree peonie bloom before she dies. Hope to see you in another life, Nana. I love you very much. signed, your loving grandson, Logan Winter Wuerslin.


  1. My Darling Beautiful Logan - thank you so much for sharing your love for Nana. My hands are filled with dirt from the garden - and with each planting / weeding / movement of soil I am filled with all the gifts your Nana has given me. The tree peony is about to blossom and the humminbirds are dashing around my head in a frenzy of excitement. As if they're preparing the way for an enternity of bliss for our Beloved Bunny. We will miss her so - and rejoice in the gifts she has given us.
    Keep us posted Logan and let us know if anything is needed.
    Much Love

  2. Logan - You have reminded me of the wonderful whistling of your grandma - I remember it well as a little girl. We have had some beautiful cardinals and hummingbirds near our house this weekend. We are keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers !

    Sue Tschorn
