Wednesday, April 22, 2009



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sensational Turnout at Northshire's Author's Talk

It was a who's who of the Sandgate Literari on the evening of Saturday, April 4th. One would have thought that the April snowstorm outside would have kept attendance quite low
The seats were filled to capacity
proving once again that the artists, craftspeople and writers of Sandgate are impervious to the weather. Most of the audience already had copies of "In the Child's Voice" by Ann B. Wuerslin, MA, MSW, fondly known to us as 'Bunny'.
The Northshire Emcee, Chris, introduced the evening.
Mallory spoke and read eloquently. Bunny took the podium and fielded all questions with intellect and sensitivity. When all was said and done the audience was well rewarded this evening for their journey through the snowstorm.

A Message from Bunny

Thank you so much for coming out on a spring-reversal, rainy night
to support me at Northshire. Has anybody ever had kinder friends than I?
I don't think so.
Thank you for helping me enjoy my night as a "big-shot"
published author. Keep well.
Much love Bunny