Wednesday, March 4
SANDGATE — Sarah Geannelis was elected delinquent tax collector in Sandgate, defeating Eric Weissleder by a single vote, 36 to 35.

The following people were elected to town offices: Rick Dahm, elected town and school moderator and constable; Donald Trachte, select board, Charles Bentley Jr., select board; Tom Fierravanti, select board; Judy Boehlert, select board; Erica Lin, treasurer, Marlene Roderick, town clerk; Sonja Jaffee, auditor and cemetery commissioner; Jane Gattlin, lister; Jean Eisenhart, town agent and grand juror; John LeMay, school board.

Voters decided to lower the proposed general town budget of $144,559 by $23,000. The highway budget was left untouched at $330,695, as was the school budget of $819,748. All other ballot articles passed.