Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Very Happy New Year

It's great to be at Jayne's New Year's Eve party in snowy Sandgate, talking with old friends and meeting new Sandgaters. The talking heads on "Live from Times Square" are saying that New York City is the center of the universe. I guess they've never been to one of Bunny's sauna/dinner parties. 2009 is fast approaching...Did I hear a resolution to have more parties and keep the lil' social web Bunny started weaving in the 60s going strong in '09?

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hi Bunny- Hope your holiday was filled with lots of good times.We are still in sunny Florida having a wonderful time. Maddie and my mom send their love to you.
By the way,the picture of smiling friends on your blog is fabulous!
Did you get your new computer? Let me know when the webcam is ready to roll. We can have a little webcam session for the New Year.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Smiling Friends

It's the day before Christmas and I send you smiles filled with love. Jayne

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas, Bunny and family.... thanks for e-mail about your book. Mary Squyer was in the store and said she got one hot off the press! I will check with Northshire. Sue wants one for the foster program in Burlington to have as well as one for herself. Sooooo glad you did that book! Love and peace... Nancy

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone!

We wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and New Year's!
- love Tristan, Teresa, and Natalie

They say I met my mother 43 years ago. Can such a thing be true? It does seem such a long time ago! Yet not nearly long enough, for though she is neither perfect nor imperfect, I cannot imagine a better mother and friend.

I thank you all for your continual caring, love, and warm thoughts to her and her life....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Holidays

Hi Bunny and family,
Have a wonderful holiday! We are off to Boston tomorrow to see little Maia and Selene and Oscar .Oscar's mom is visiting from Guatemala and she will get to spend the holiday with them too. Then flying to Florida on Christma Eve Day to see my mom and hopefully soak up some nice rays. Also hoping the weather holds off well enough so we get out.
Love to all, Laurie and John

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Loving Roses

I love this picture. I love the expression on this baby's face. I love the intricate look and delectible scent of roses. A long time ago, nuns made rosaries from rose petals. Praying with a rosary must have been a scent sensation. Roses are my favorite. What's yours?

Friday, December 19, 2008

In Your Garden

I came across this photo today and my first thought was Bunny in her Garden.  Bunny and flowers are so united in my mind. Is it possible to blossom forever into eternity with the joy of a baby in a bed of roses?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

hi bunny--We met for the first time at the Dorset Playhouse in the winter of 2005 when I was holding auditions for "The Bet." As I looked around the small group in the rehearsal room I spotted a youthful-looking blonde-haired lady with a mischievous twinkle in her eye and I knew right away you were something special. You said later that you saw the cast call in the paper and decided, what the hell, this might be fun. And I'm so very glad you did. You wound up playing two roles: one of the wives on trial and a beauty parlor gossip. You pulled off both without a hitch. Not easy, considering all the fast, backstage costume changes. I'll never forget your feisty, terrific performances and how you belted out that first line: "EVERYBODY'S talking about the trial." You're an inspirational person, one of those rare people who bring a smile to your face whenever you think about them. I feel so lucky to know you.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hi Bunny- The first time we ever spoke you and Lothar were renting the house on Sandgate Rd. Giving us directions, you said"You will pass the two most beautiful meadows in the world." And guess what- you were right! We came up to your house and did not leave Sandgate for 34 years.
Even though our life has brought us to a new place, we will never forget the wonderful times we had with you and your family. You embraced us and made us feel so welcome!We do miss being close to all of you. We love you!
Laurie and John

"Riding the Roads"

I've spent several days -- and much time on the phone with Jayne -- and suddenly I'm a bonafide member of this community! Don't ask me how it happened or to help you get on. I haven't a clue.

Bunny and I had a date to go consignment shopping today to Londonderry, but we had to cancel because of the weather. So I'm cleaning house instead. Would much rather be "riding the roads" with Bunny. She/you introduced me to the joys of consignment shopping a couple of years ago, and recently we discovered the best shop of all in Londonderry.

I love to go riding with Bunny. There is always a spirit of adventure with her. And you never know when she will burst into song -- appropos of nothing. Or see a house and say, "Oh, you poor house; you need someone to love you, don't you?"

Thanks, friend, for teaching me how to have fun.

Bunny in 1980

The First Time I Met Bunny

Georgia said...

Phew! Finally! I got here! I was lost in cyberspace all morning! I now have more email addresses than hair on my head. I think there is a genie in my laptop that whizzes the cursor around, which does not help my typing skills or the cogency of my writing...

Hello everyone! I am grateful to those who started this blog. I was a blog virgin. Thank the goddess that's over with.

I'm curious as to when and how everyone first met Bunny. This is how I met Bunny for the first time.

It was in the summer of 1970, a year of very rainy weekends. My work-friends and I only had one weekend off a month so we were determined to camp out and have fun regardless of the weather. We, New York City folks were making the best of it up there on Wilcox Hollow Road when a young, blond-haired woman, named Bunny came up the road. She took one look at us, said "MY GOD, you people are wet!" and invited ALL 14 OF US to sleep by her fireplace in the living room. Most of us were strangers to her. Her warmth and hospitality amazed me. I met Lothar, Chris, Hasso and Tristan the next morning. I thought they were a wonderful family. They invited me back. I didn't know it then, but meeting Bunny changed my life. We've been friends ever since...

What a nice outing yesterday... nice to "natter" on a ride over back roads... remembering and laughing and picking up chocolate! Love you....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Hello Bunny. What a wonderful idea this blog is-it is a privilege to participate. I am off to the Northshire tomorrow (weather permitting) to get your book. I so loved hearing you read it years ago in our writing group and now I shall get to read it again. Much love to you.

Christmas Trees

November see the slaughter of deer
December sees the slaughter of the evergreens
how many do you suppose we despoil for our holiday celebrations?
Let us salute their participation in our welcoming back the light.

Strong Women

Ihave been fortunate in my life in having strong women for friends. Often they did not see themselves that way, but they held their opinions and would fight for them to be heard. What a blessing that was for me, one stubborn and opinionated woman herself. I also salute the men who love them for ceding their fear in the service of love. As DeSisto told us, men who have had strong mothers are not afraid of strong women. So, my friends thank you for sparring with me fearlessly and caring for me. Ilove you. Bunny

New Year's Open House at the Dome

If you're around Sandgate on New Year's Eve - there will be at Pot Luck Open House at the Dome. The time is from 4 - 7 or 8 - past Midnight. Bunny will be there around 4:00. Let me know if you can make it. I'll even have a Blogging workshop available.

Will visit Bunny around Christmas

I will be flying North from DC on Christmas Day and will come see Bunny some time that weekend when it is convenient to her. I have let her know she can put me to work in her home office if she likes. Those of you close by, thanks for sticking close to her.

Memories From 1970


Just wanted to thank all of you for your love, support and friendship. It's a wonderful gift, and I wish I could tell you how much we all appreciate it.

Getting the Blog Started

I know this may be a little challenging for the blogger virgins out there - but with a little patience it will come naturally. So don't be discouraged. Things that are now happening with Bunny that could be of interest to all of us - are some of the things Marianne Kennedy discussed with her about necessary legal things to accomplish re bank accounts and other loose ends that need attention. Perhaps Marianne can share with us - some of those steps. Looking forward to hearing from Mallory too who will be helping Bunny finalize more of her wonderful writing.

Also for those folks who have not yet purchased "In the Child's Voice" by Bunny they can do so at Northshire Bookstore. That will be a wonderful topic of conversation for us to share as Bunny struggles with this phase of her illness.

Monday, December 15, 2008

logging in

After some poking around I think I figured out how to use the "blogsphere". What a wonderful idea. How appropriate is the rose in the photo... it reminds me of our trip to New Mexico and all the different foliage and, Bunny, how you always appreciated it and commented on it, the glorious colors and strange textures. Hope you had a good day... Love you, Nancy


This is the beginning of our community care for Bunny as she travels into the next phase of her life. I have invited many of you to contribute to this blog and to follow her progress. Remember to check the blog for regular updates about Bunny.

Bunny visited me today

It was great seeing Bunny drive up my driveway this morning. Today we made the call to the Compassion and Care organization. As suggested we asked for Patient Support and had to leave a message. I got a return call a few minutes after Bunny left. A woman in Oregon named Jena spoke with me for a few minutes and she's looking forward to talking directly with Bunny. I left a message for Bunny to call me ASAP so I can give her the number.

I hope this format of communication can work as a resource for all of us who are so willing to be with Bunny on this journey.