Monday, May 18, 2009

Goodbye, Bunny

Wanted to let you all know that Bunny passed away tonight, May 18, at about 6 pm. In accordance with her wishes, there will be no memorial or funeral service. Instead of flowers, please make donations to the Lothar Wuerslin Scholarship Fund.

To all of her friends who helped her: many, many thanks - she (and we) appreciated it more than can be expressed. She was blessed with a wonderful circle of friends. Namaste to you all.
this is logan again. i just wanted to say goodbye and goodluck and thank you to Nana Bunny. I'm sure we can all agree she was a big part of our lives, one that, once emptied, can be patched but never refilled. to all that aided her, i thank you for enriching her life, as she did to ours. Love you, Nana. see you in a later life.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Grandma Bunny

okay, this is logan. I'm using my mom's account becuase I can't seem to become a contributor to bunny's friends. Having to deal with my grandma's slow demise is one of the worst experiences I have been through. having to see her lie in her hospital bed slowly starving is traumatic and most of all, very sad. once I lose her, I don't know what I'll do. I still am not used to the absence of her songs or whistling around the house, one of the things I will miss about her the most. I only hope she can move on to a better place, and not have to suffer. I just hope she can see that tree peonie bloom before she dies. Hope to see you in another life, Nana. I love you very much. signed, your loving grandson, Logan Winter Wuerslin.

Friday, May 1, 2009

MAY DAY 20.09

Well, dog my cats, it's May Day! Let's say good-bye to the cruellest month, tho' April is always fun in Sandgate. Our last April party on Saturday the 25th, at Jayne's, was a wonderful gathering. So many friends! So much good food! I forgot how much fun it is to drink Mimosas and talk that easy talk with the wonderful women I know. How strong we are, like tea bags. (you had to have been there to get that one) How soft we are! How much we share...and love.

Happy May Day!